Saturday, November 18, 2017

Wotlk 3.3.5a Inscription Guide level 1 - 450 by molten-wow

Wotlk 3.3.5a Inscription Guide level 1 - 450 by molten-wow

In this guide I will be helping you to level you Inscription form 1-450 as soon as possible. If you used my old guide before for leveling herbing this should be easy cause you should have kept the herbs. If not I will show you what to do in...
Wotlk 3.3.5a Blacksmithing Guide level 1-450  by molten-wow

Wotlk 3.3.5a Blacksmithing Guide level 1-450 by molten-wow

Hello Players of Molten this is a guide to help you the players learn how to level your Blacksmithing up the fastest. In here you will read on what you need to make to get you to the top of this profession. I will have everything you need to...
Wotlk 3.3.5a Enchanting Guide level 1 - 450 by molten-wow

Wotlk 3.3.5a Enchanting Guide level 1 - 450 by molten-wow

Level 1-2:Make 1x [Runed Copper Rod].Level 2-50:You must disenchant any green item you come across or you can do about 48 x [Enchant Bracer: Minor Health] - 48 Strange Dust.Level 50-135:At this point you will go to your nearest city if you are not there already to learn (Enchanting...
wotlk 3.3.5a Mining Guide level 1-450 by molten-wow

wotlk 3.3.5a Mining Guide level 1-450 by molten-wow

When we start out in this guide there's obviously going to be a difference in the beginning for Alliance and Horde for this guide because each faction starts in different areas until after a certain level when they freely roam through the same zones. I could tell you the...
wotlk 3.3.5a Herbalism Guide 1 - 450 by molten-wow

wotlk 3.3.5a Herbalism Guide 1 - 450 by molten-wow

Hello everyone and welcome to yet another one of my guides in this one we will help you so you know were to go to get herbing up the fastest. So in this guide we will tell you just about every place were to go hunting down herbs for...
Wow 3.3.5a Alliance Leveling Guide 1-80 by molten-wow

Wow 3.3.5a Alliance Leveling Guide 1-80 by molten-wow

(Wrath of the Lich King)Ok guys, Gio here, about to give you the needed steps to go from 1-80 quickly and effectively. Lets start with some rules.1. Vote twice a day, save your points, never spend em on "no lvl req. leveling items."2. Once you hit the level the...
WOTLK Disenchanting Guide 3.3.5 by molten-wow

WOTLK Disenchanting Guide 3.3.5 by molten-wow

(Wrath of the Lich King)This guide is made to help players of Molten get there Enchanting up. This will show you the mats you get form item levels on green and blue and Epic items. I have made this guide to help players that have read my other guide...
Cataclysm Guide PvE Protection Warrior 4.3.4 by molten-wow

Cataclysm Guide PvE Protection Warrior 4.3.4 by molten-wow

Hello friends! My name is Noobert or as some of you may know me, Incarael, from the guild <Care> on Sargeras. I have decided to make a guide showing you the potential of the forever underestimated tank on Molten -- a Protection Warrior. I have been tanking with...
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