Best PVP Shadow Priest Talent Build
wow 3.3.5 Talent Guide
HIT cap = 5% , Spell Penetration cap = 130
Spell Power > Crit > Haste > Intellect > Resilience > Stamina
- Glyph of Shadow : Word - Targets below 35% health take an additional 10% damage from your Shadow Word: Death spell.
- Glyph of Power Word - Your Power Word: Shield also heals the target for 20% of the absorption amount.
- Glyph of Dispersion - Reduces the cooldown on Dispersion by 45 sec.
- Glyph of Levitate - Your Levitate spell no longer requires a reagent.
- Glyph of Fortitude - Reduces the mana cost of your Power Word: Fortitude and Prayer of Fortitude spells by 50%.
- Glyph of Shadow Protection - Increases the duration of your Shadow Protection and Prayer of Shadow Protection spells by 10 min.
- META : Chaotic Skyflare Diamond - + 23 crit rating and 3% increased critical damaged
- RED : Runed Cardinal Ruby - +23 spell power
- YELLOW : Quick King’s Amber - +20 haste
- YELLOW : Mystic King’s Amber - +20 resilence
- RED/YELLOW : Reckless Ametrine - +12 spell power & 10 haste
- BLUE : Stormy Majestic Zircon - 25 spell penetration
- BLUE/RED : Mysterious Dreadstone - 12 spell power and 13 spell penetration
- Head : Arcanum of Dominance - Permanently adds 29 spell power and 20 resilience rating to a head slot item.
- Shoulder : enchant-Inscription of Dominance - Permanently adds 23 spell power and 15 resilience rating to a shoulder slot item.
- Chest : Enchant Chest - Exceptional Resilience - Permanently enchant chest armor to increase resilience rating by 20.
- Leggings : Sapphire Spellthread - Permanently embroiders spellthread into pants, increasing spell power by 50 and Stamina by 30.
- Bracer : Enchant Bracers - Superior Spellpower - Permanently enchant bracers to increase spell power by 30.
- Glove : Enchant Gloves - Exceptional Spellpower - Permanently enchant gloves to increase spell power by 28.
- Belt : Eternal Belt Buckle - Permanently attach an eternal belt buckle onto a belt, adding a socket to the belt.
- Boot : enchant-Enchant Boots - Tuskarr's Vitality - Permanently enchants boots to give a minor movement speed increase (8%) and 15 Stamina.
- Cloak : Enchant Cloak - Spell Piercing - Permanently enchant a cloak to increase spell penetration by 35.
- Weapon : enchant ( 1H ) - Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spellpower - Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase spell power by 63.
PVP Macro's
/cast [target=player] Dispell
/cast [target=focus] Dispell
/cast Shadowfiend
/cast [pet, nomodifier] Shadowcrawl
/cancelaura Dispersion
/cast [nochanneling:Mind Flay] Mind Flay
You should have Meditation 3/3
It depends, Silent Resolution helps, bc reduces the probability of the enemy to dispel your DoTs.
No entendí na pero gracias
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