Saturday, November 18, 2017

wotlk 3.3.5a Mining Guide level 1-450 by molten-wow

When we start out in this guide there's obviously going to be a difference in the beginning for Alliance and Horde for this guide because each faction starts in different areas until after a certain level when they freely roam through the same zones. I could tell you the best routes to choose but for this guide I think it better I show you some pics of the routes people made in pictures. Also don't forget to go back to your trainer as often as you can so you can keep advancing farther in [Mining].I strongly recommend that you [Smelt] through this step, even if you don't have the gold to buy the ore this guide makes it easy for you to get it. Cause who really want to go out and hunt for all those Veins I know I don't but if you have to here is the guide for you to use.

Note: This guide can be used though all the realms of Molten-WoW. It is just some realms my level your skill in [Mining] up fast those realms are Frostwolf/Deathwing/Neltharion/Sargeras/Ragnaros. So please follow this guide and you should have no issues.

Ore Skill Requirements

To help players out if they are new to [Mining] it is a list of all the ores and what level you can mine them on. Every ore in this part is used in this guide.

Ore Required Level
Copper Vein-1
Tin Vein-65
Smelted, not mined
Silver Vein-75
Iron Deposit-125
Gold Vein-155
Smelted, not mined
Mithril Deposit-175
Truesilver Deposit-205
Dark Iron Deposit-230
Small Thorium Vein-230
Rich Thorium Vein-255
Fel Iron Deposit-275
Adamantite Deposit-325
Rich Adamantite Deposit-350
Cobalt Deposit-350
Khorium Vein-375
Rich Cobalt Deposit-375
Saronite Deposit-400
Rich Saronite Deposit-425
Titanium Vein-450

Mining 1 to 65 - [Copper Veins]

First off go to any major city and train form any [Mining] trainer you find and learn the [Apprentice Mining] skill. This should cost you only 10 Copper.

Horde Part:

Undead - Tirisfal Glades: The Undead [Mining] route is fairly simple. You can just go and pick up a starting point any were on the route and then just follow the path around the map. If you are a low level you my want to watch out for areas in the map that are to high for you to go to yet. If that is the case then just skip that part of the map and pick up on the path in lower level areas. You will find [Copper Ore] all along this route. Some in more spots in others.

Tauren - Mulgore: Mulgore is just one big oval so the [Mining] route for in here is fairly simple. On this map mob levels and aggro is not very impotent here since you will just be sticking to the outer edges of the map. You may want to skip the leveling in Venture Co. Mine if you are to low of a level and can't handle the mobs. You will find [Copper Ore] all along this route..

Orc & Troll - Durotar: This [Mining] route is shorter then the route above but it dose the same good job for leveling. Durotar is full of mountains and if you wanted to you could probably spend some time developing your own [Mining] route if this one dose not work for you. As you will notice though the [Mining] routes in this guide are nice and simple to follow. If you don't follow this picture you will have to go running around all the map to find your way around. You will find [Copper Ore] all along this route.

Blood Elves - Eversong Woods: This route is by far the easiest of all the [Mining] routes above. Just follow the outer circle on the map to get the most veins out of here. The Dead Scar however is loaded with veins so if you want to this pictures shows another path to take to get the most form the Dead Scar. You will find [Copper Ore] all along this route.

Alliance Part:

Human - Elwynn Forest: This is another fairly simple [Mining] route. All you need to do is follow this route and go in both caves to get the most out of the route. Don't forget to not go past the river on the south side or you will go into a new zone. You will find [Copper Ore] all along this route.

Night Elves - Darkshore: Darnassus doesn't have allot of veins in it so you will have to come to Darkshore to get the most out of it if your Night Elves. Now Darkshore is pretty huge so in this map it will show you two really good [Mining] routes you can take so you don't have to go though the whole map. Remember to go in the caves the most veins in there. You will find [Copper Ore] all along this route.

Draenei - Azuremyst isle: There are two caves in this [Mining] route that you want to hit up. If you are low enough level to get experience form the cave to the north. Cause then you can kill mobs while you get ore so you can Grind/Mine at the same time. If nto then just follow the entire route around the map. There's kind of a dead spot transition while going to the next good area when you go passed the lakes but it's that or loop back the way you came, either is fine. You will find [Copper Ore] all along this route.

Note: At 50 you will want to go back to any Major City and learn [Journeyman Mining] if you haven't done so already.

Mining 66-125 - [Tin Veins] and [Silver Veins]:

Horde and Alliance:

The Barrens: Once again if you decided to not smelt through these beginning levels of the mining guide you can do these mining routes as horde or alliance. For this [Mining] route I want you to follow the path around the map. If you need to run to the southern ends of the barrens be prepared to have to attack level 25 easy. If you cant then just follow the path without going that far down. On this Path you will find allot of [Tin Ore] and some [Silver Ore].

Wetlands:The Wetlands [Mining] route is mainly focused in the two caves in wetlands. It is were you will find the most veins. Other then the caves follow the path around the map to find more veins. On this Path you will find allot of [Tin Ore] and some [Silver Ore].

Note: In addition to these mining routes above you could also perform full circuits of Wetlands, Ashenvale, and Redridge mountains for this part of the mining guide.

Mining 126-175 - [Iron Deposit] and [Gold Vein]:

Horde and Alliance:

Arathi Highlands: There are allot of caves you will want to go and explore on this map. If you are the right level to go in them. In this [Mining] route you can see it is fairly simple to follow that path lead out. If you are horde you can follow the path around Hammerfall if you wish. You will find [Iron Ore] and some [Gold Ore] on this path.

Thousand Needles: There are only two caves on this [Mining] route that you can go explore in. Alos as you can tell the path is kinda of large but just follow this path and you should have np on this [Mining] route. You will find [Iron Ore] and some [Gold Ore] on this path.

Stranglethorn Vale: On this [Mining] route there are three caves that you can go in to get the veins. This is a really fun [Mining] route though cause the mobs levels are so high you can pretty much go around and Grind/Mine at the same time unless you don't wish to do that then you my not want to go on this route. You will find [Iron Ore] and some [Gold Ore] on this path.

Note: When you hit 150 go back to any major city to learn [Expert Mining] if you haven't done that already.

Mining 176-230 - [Mithril Deposit] and [Truesilver Deposit]:

Horde and Alliance:

The Hinterlands: On this [Mining] route there is only one cave and the route seems kinda of small. I have heard this is a really good route though. You will find [Mithril Ore] and [Truesilver Ore] all along this route.

Badlands: On this [Mining] route you will want to spend most of your time in the eastern loop or in the cave in the south. It's not bad to alternate between the two spots but the eastern loop and southwestern cave are where you will level mining the fastest. You will find [Mithril Ore] and [Truesilver Ore] all along this route.

Tanaris: This [Mining] route is were your going to want to spend most your time though these levels. Now you should go explore the two caves in this [Mining] route they provide very good leveling. Yes this is a very big route but it is worth it for those levels you need.

Note: At level 200 go back to any major city and learn [Mining Artisan].

Mining 231-275 - [Thorium Veins]

Horde and Alliance:

UnGoro Crater: This [Mining] route is one of the most competitive in the game. It has one cave to it and I would suggest going down the Slithering Scar for some extra leveling. You will find [Thorium Ore] all along this [Mining] route.

Winterspring: This is one of the best zones for [Thorium Veins]. The caves to the north on the map go into a very large tunnel system and allot of [Thorium Veins] spawn there. The bottom of the map mark in green is full of level 60s Elite Mobs nothing but them there. There is a good amount of [Thorium Veins] down there but you must be high enough level to get to them. You will find [Thorium Ore] all along this [Mining] route.

Silithus: This is another very good location to mine [Thorium Ore]. On this [Mining] The areas you see mark in orange are hive areas. Hive areas are a complex system of tunnels going into the earth there is allot of [Thorium Veins] down in these. If you do not wish to go into the tunnels then you can still find a good amount of [Thorium Veins] along this route. You will find [Thorium Ore] all along this mining route.

Note: At 275 you want to go back to any major city and learn [Mining Master]

Mining 276-325 - [Fel Iron Deposit]

Horde and Alliance:

Hellfire Peninsula: This is the easiest [Mining] route to find [Fel Iron Deposit] on this map. You can just loop around the orcs near the citadel but if you do follow the whole route. It will be beneficial to your leveling. Look out for the Elite area in the northwest areas of the map. Remember Fel Iron can be skilled up all the way to 375+ if you wish and you can skip the other sections of this leveling guide. You will find [Fel Iron Ore all along this route.

Mining 326-350 - [Adamantite Deposit]

Horde and Alliance:

Nagrand: Form 326-350 continue [Mining] [Fel Iron Deposit] when it is possible but begin to look for [Adamantite Deposit] on this map. You can almost find [Adamantite Deposit] anywere on this route so look carefully and level fast. You will find [Adamantite Ore] on this route.

Mining 351-450 [Cobalt Deposit] / [Rich Cobalt Deposit]

Howling Fjord: You must be at least 350 to start [Mining] [Cobalt Ore]. The [Rich Cobalt Deposit] you must be 375 to mine form. You can mine [Rich Cobalt Deposit] all the way to 450 if you wish but there will be more zones posted. Just follow the route and go into the two caves on the map to look for the veins you need. You will find [Cobalt Ore] all along this route.

Alternative Smelting Guide 1-450

For leveling most of 1-375 in this guide you can Smelt your way to the top instead of actually having to go out and mine the ore yourself. If you wish to choose this method I have a little Alternative Smelting Guide for you to look at and smelt your way to the top. It will level you up allot faster.

Level SmeltOrange/Yellow/Green/Grey
1-70/Copper Bar x1,25,47,70
65-75/Tin Bar x,65,70,75
65-115/Bronze Bar x,65,90,115
75-130/Silver Bar x75,115,122,130
125-160/Iron Bar x125,130,145,160
155-185/Gold Bar x155,170,177,185
175-230/Mithril Bar x175,202,230
230-290/Truesilver Bar x230,250,270,290
230-290/Thorium Bar x230,250,270,290
275-325/Fel Iron Bar x,275,300,325
325-340/Adamantite Bar x,325,332,340
350-375/Cobalt Bar x,350,362,375


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