Saturday, November 18, 2017

Cataclysm Alliance Leveling Guide 1-85 by molten-wow

Alliance leveling for x5 rates server (Cata 4.0.6)

Please, before saying that quest doesnt work or u cant pick quest, make sure u done all quests before that one, make sure that drop percentage isnt problem, make sure that you saw npc alive which you need to kill, dont just come there and go away, spawn time can be up to even 30min for those q.

If you are 100% sure that quest is bugged, use bug tracker and report it. Thanks.

You can also report UNLISTED working quests by clicking HERE. Thanks for helping other players!

I can see there is no this kind of guide for leveling alliance chars, and I have decided to make one...

This is more like a list of quests done on way to 85, so, all you need is addon that can provide you coordinates (mapster, titan panel), and you can level WITHOUT WORRIES WHERE ARE QUEST GIVERS AND DOES QUEST WORKS. I did them all, they are all working. Say thanks if this helped you, and I will know that all this was worth it.

If you are like “why I would use the same quests like you? maybe you picked hard quests etc…” well, you don’t have to follow this list do whatever you want, I made this to help newbies, and I believe that this is not list only for specific class/race, every class can do it alone, with help from others, only faster.

I recommend to go straight to quest givers, no “run all the time, kill everything on your way” tactic.

Since there are chain quests, you will need to visit one quest giver more than once, since you cant take all quests at once. If you encounter any horde ganking you, logoff and continue another time, or do other quests. Quests are just for leveling, there are no class specific quests (except paladins), to “test” some spell etc... Starting area is for human race. Try to get 240g to 60th lvl for fly mount.

Do not skip quests like “Report to that person”, just because they have low xp, they are needed to get quests which are following that one. Even if you reach certain lvl, and there are more q on the list, do them all, you need all exp. Do not proceed to next area without getting certain level, if you do all the quests from list, but you arent desired level, do some quests and inform me about this, it may happed due to different number of killed mobs = different exp points. “Area” is what you can see from world map, minimap text will not always match with area text, but just make sure you are on right coordinates.

You can also print this whole text and read from paper, to avoid Alt-Tab all the time.

If you have problem with some quest:

1. Search it on, search for quest name or quest giver and CHECK COMMENTS, it will help you 99%
2. When activating quest item or killing npc for q, if it wont work, move couple yards in each direction, try to pull him above water or to another spot or whatever, or do 1.,
3. Call on global, local or guild for help to kill some npc, or try using health potions/some techniques…
4. Spawn time is long, at the moment. You will need to wait for quest item or npc to spawn up to 10-30min I think. Be sure you are there on right time.

>>> You can download the guide in PDF file HERE. <<<
(Spaces / tabulating isnt shown here on forum, check pdf.)

There are 455 working quests and you can check it out here.

Halls of Origination - Exp grinding

Under this text is unsusable part since February 27th, 2012 (Yep, its fixed a day after releasing this guide) To be honest, I still dont understand why this npc have 50-60k hp, when that is heroic value, normal value is 13k and it still would be possible to grind this with no problem.
84 (~70% experience fulfilled) LVL – 85 LVL
At this point you should need ~30% of experience or ~2.9 million points
You can get those points in 30min’s grinding this npc

In Uldum / Halls Of Origination

To get to mobs, you will need 2-3 invisibility potions per run. If you die, you will need 2-3 potions again. Buy them on auction house. Once you are in instance, go to mobs but don’t pull them. Use potion and run to 48.34 / 73.70 coordinates, you will need to wait CD 10minutes, then, to 43.3/59.8 or go right if you have time, use another potion and run to snakes which are in sand downstairs. Use strongest AoE and kill snakes, spawn time is arount 2-3 minutes. You will get ~350k exp points per run. Once you kill all snakes go to some corner where you wont pull any mob and wait there for respawn.


Since the last part isnt possible now, you will need to get 2.9 million points on your own.
There are Northrend areas which I havent visited, so you will need to do it, in order to get to 85th lvl with quests which are on the list. You need to get to LVL 82 ~ 45% experience fulfilled, before heading to Hyjal and continuing to use my list. Im sorry for all those complications but simply, there isnt enough working quests atm for leveling 80 - 85 in Cata areas only.


(LVL 81 ~50% experience fulfilled + 2.9 million points = LVL 82 ~45% experience fulfilled)

Suggestion for Exp grinding:
Location: Deepholm
Level: 83
Health: 5,368
Kill them while rested, to get more Exp.

I would like to thank to following players for making whole leveling experience easier and more interesting:

1. Eritea
2. Ashbriinger
3. Ardor
4. Gti
5. Holymoon
6. Kcuff
7. Poonai
8. Saizoo
9. Steltdosmrti
10. Uncer
11. Zarkhan

This guide isn't made originally from us this is just copied from Molten Wow Forum.

Credits to:

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